Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Hell and Living it

Life is just turning out hell for me. At home my parents are pestering me to study, at college the teachers are taking tests without teaching much and at the classes the sirs are making me slog like a donkey.Can't blame them ... for this is a crucial year for me as I will be giving my "10 + 2" exams Feb. next year. My chemistry sir is a class apart. Altough his teaching isn't bad he really knows how to taunt us. I have been his scape goat for a long time and now I seem to have started studying ( anyone will after they have gone through what I have gone ) for I am getting decent marks.

I miss my English teacher from my old school. She is a looker and a damn good teacher too and I make sure that I keep seeing her once in a while.I miss my old school terribly.

French sucks. Don't get me wrong ... I have nothing against the French. Its just that my present French sir is one of a kind. Joining his class was my worst decision till date. He doesn't teach anything ( his time is spent flirting with the girls ) and when we don't study for his tests he literally cries. His choisiest sentences are "You don't study what I teach, so you have no right to call me sir" - so what do we call him .... ****?? ( That happens to be his name ). His other dialogues include "I will stop classes for French because you all not studying". He will be doing a big favor by doing that. I am not the only person with such low opinions about him. Once in his class only 1 student was present where 16 students should be there.


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