Saturday, February 28, 2009

My Travel Blog

I am shifting my travelling stories to a new blog. Its called "Travelling Baboon" . It will contain all my travelling posts starting from my trip to USA. Actually it was this trip that sparked the idea of this travelling blog.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

W T F !!!!!!!

     Kasab is being booked for ticketless travelling?!! What the f**k are they thinking?? What next? littering? What the story of Kasab needs is a BIG "FULL-STOP". Put him in solitary, better still... put a bullet in his head. America does it ... so why can't we do it? Just have it done with. done done. The way this story is proceeding, Kasab will end up as a millionaire at the end. Trust me! "Tell it all" stories, book deals, movies which will end up winning oscars (again!! Trust Me!). After that, invitations to Jay Leno and Big Brother can't be that far away, can it? 


Monday, February 23, 2009


    Oh my gawd!! The firangis have finally lost their minds. What were they thinking when they gave 8 oscars to Slumdog Millionaire. Sure it was good, but it was definetely not THAT good. The Dark Knight lost out in a lot of places where it definetely was meant to win. The only reason it probably lost out was maybe because it was a superhero movie out of a comic book whereas Slumdog was probably considered more intellectual as it was adapted from a book by Vikram Swaroop. Man ... I am an Indian and I still would not have voted for slumdog over Dark Knight. Not that I am not happy about it winning the 8 oscars. Something that is intrisically Indian winning such International accolades really leaves me exstatic.
     However don't mistake my reaction as the reaction of all Indians. Many are not happy with "slumdog". Why shoulkd anyone be called a dog? Me and my sister had to really persuade our mother ( she was a little revolted by the use of the word "slumdog" ) to go and watch the movie - owing to it being a rather international project with a rather Indian heart - but she was just ready to leave the movie hall after seeing the child is being blinded.



 I am a travel afficiando.No doubt about it . I love to visit new places, eat different kinds of foods, having new experiences and the lot that comes with globe trotting. The only problem is that I have never really been "out travelling" per say. Yeah sure  have been to the ocasional hillstation near home, been to Darjeeling once. But these never turned out to be a great source of the "nouvelle experience" that I expected out of these.
    So when my father suggested that I accompany him on his visit to his US head office whose regional business in India he handles, I was more than happy to agree. Not that I expected the trip to be great one owing to my father being "handicapped" on the subject of "having fun". Its really sad and my heart feels for him but all my attempts to heal him have met with sharp cynicism on his part. I still hold on to hope. Anyways I knew I would still have fun on my own. So our travel plans were made. Seats on the delta flight leaving at 12.30 on the 3rd of february of 2009 from Mumbai International Airportwere booked. On our trip we were being accompanied by one of my father's colleagues and family friend, Chande.   
